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Tomato - Brandywine, Yellow (Indeterminate)

$299 USD


The Yellow Brandywine Tomato is just like the Pink Brandywine Tomato, except it’s yellow. Like siblings, these tomatoes probably shouldn’t be compared, but they really are ditto each other—ribbed shoulders, potato-leaf foliage, small seed core, sweet and tangy slicer, 1-2 lb fruits with no two alike. Except it’s yellow. And ripens a little sooner.

  • Balanced flavor
  • Golden yellow skin and flesh
  • Potato-leaf foliage
  • Good fresh or cooked


  • Botanical name: Solanum lycopersicum
  • Growth type: Indeterminate, trellis support, regular pruning 
  • Tomato size: Large (1-2 lbs.)
  • Depth to plant seeds: .25" deep
  • Spacing between plants: 24"-36" apart
  • Spacing between rows: 36"-48" apart
  • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-14 days
  • Germination soil temps: 75F-95F
  • Soil needs: 6.0-6.5 pH
  • Sun needs: Full sun
  • Frost hardy: No
  • Planting season: Spring, summer
  • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per 3 sq. ft.
  • Days to maturity: 85-90 days

Good companion plants: Basil, Borage, Onion, Parsley, Pepper

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