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    Onion (Transplants) - Grano, White (Short Day)

    From $199 USD
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    Quick Overview

    A beautiful white heirloom short day onion. It has a mild and crisp flavor,great to liven up any dish! This also is a favorite canning and matures in approx. 110 days.

    • Short Day



    • Crisp, mild flavor

    How to Plant Bulb Onions

    Onion bulbs are quite hardy and can withstand 20° F frost. They should be set out 4-6 weeks prior to the last expected frost. When your plants arrive they should appear to be quite dry. DO NOT WET THEM NOR STICK THEIR ROOTS IN WATER. Unpack them and store them in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant. They should last about 3 weeks kept this way. Do not worry that your plants seem dry. They will "shoot" new roots and new, green tops as soon as they are planted.

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    Potato (Mid-Season) - Chieftain (Organic/Heirloom)

    From $999 USD
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    • Mid-season 80-90 days to maturity.
    • A smooth red-skinned slightly oval tuber with shallow eyes and white flesh.
    • Medium size and very good flavor.
    • This variety is resistant to scab and late blight and does better in clay soils than most other reds.
    • High overall yields from a spreading plant with attractive light-violet blossoms.

    NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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    Onion (Transplants) - OG WALLA WALLA (Long Day)

    From $199 USD
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    Quick Overview

    ORGANIC For generations this variety has been the pride of Washington State's onion producing region. This famous Northwest gourmet sweet onion can be grown from seed. In long and intermediate day areas where temperatures do not drop below -10 degrees. They can be planted between August 15th and September 1st and overwintered under a light mulch for harvest the following late June or early July. For colder areas it's best to raise seedlings and set out transplants in early to mid April. Not a storage onion. 

    How to Plant Bulb Onions

    Onion bulbs are quite hardy and can withstand 20° F frost. They should be set out 4-6 weeks prior to the last expected frost. When your plants arrive they should appear to be quite dry. DO NOT WET THEM NOR STICK THEIR ROOTS IN WATER. Unpack them and store them in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant. They should last about 3 weeks kept this way. Do not worry that your plants seem dry. They will "shoot" new roots and new, green tops as soon as they are planted. Be sure to specify on your order when you want your plants to arrive.

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    Onion (Transplants) - OG Ruby Red (Long Day)

    From $199 USD
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    Quick Overview

    A long day variety that is small and flat with a ruby red skin. An excellent, unique flavor that can be added to any dish. Sure to be your new favorite! ORGANIC

    How to Plant Bulb Onions

    Onion bulbs are quite hardy and can withstand 20° F frost. They should be set out 4-6 weeks prior to the last expected frost. When your plants arrive they should appear to be quite dry. DO NOT WET THEM NOR STICK THEIR ROOTS IN WATER. Unpack them and store them in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant. They should last about 3 weeks kept this way. Do not worry that your plants seem dry. They will "shoot" new roots and new, green tops as soon as they are planted. Be sure to specify on your order when you want your plants to arrive.

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    Leek (Transplants) - OG American Flag

    From $199 USD
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    An excellent, fast growing leek. Under good conditions the white stem can reach 1' in length. Best for flavor and productivity in our trials of summer leeks. Shows frost resistance but will not overwinter. Tolerates frost as well as onions.

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    Onion (Transplants) - OG Borettana Cipollini (Long Day)

    From $199 USD
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    A great storage onion that has made the Italian onions famous. A long day variety that is small and flat with a yellow-brown skin. An excellent, unique flavor that can be added to any dish. ORGANIC

    How to Plant Bulb Onions

    Onion bulbs are quite hardy and can withstand 20° F frost. They should be set out 4-6 weeks prior to the last expected frost. When your plants arrive they should appear to be quite dry. DO NOT WET THEM NOR STICK THEIR ROOTS IN WATER. Unpack them and store them in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant. They should last about 3 weeks kept this way. Do not worry that your plants seem dry. They will "shoot" new roots and new, green tops as soon as they are planted. Be sure to specify on your order when you want your plants to arrive.

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    Potato (Late-Season) Fingerling - Terra Rosa

    From $599 USD
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    A beautiful new variety which is smooth and shallow eyed. Magenta skin with matching flesh. Potatoes are ideal for frying, baking or mashing. Oblong tubers can reach 10 ounces in size.

    We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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    Potato (Early-Season) - Elfie (Organic/Heirloom)

    From $999 USD
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    • Early-season 60-80 to maturity.
    • Early season oval shaped tubers with bright yellow skin and medium yellow flesh.
    • Smooth shallow eyes and nice uniform tubers.
    • Great for roasting, steaming, baking or boiling.
    • Excellent for storage.
    • Drought tolerant and resistant to common scab, blight & black leg.

    NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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    Potato (Mid-Season) - All Blue

    From $1299 USD
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    • Mid-season 80-90 days to maturity.
    • This beautiful, medium-sized, extra-late potato has deep blue skin as well as consistently blue flesh.
    • This high yielding plant has beautiful blue flowers.
    • The rich taste of these potatoes when mashed is enhanced by the color.
    • To keep color, do not overcook.
    • Once blue potatoes were grown on potato trial grounds between other varieties to demarcate the division between varieties (called purple marker).

      NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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      Garlic - (Hard Neck) Persian Star

      From $199 USD
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      Quick Overview

      • Organic
      Hard neck
      • Mild spicy flavor


      Persian Star is a purple stripe harneck type garlic. Produces a medium bulb with 9-12 cloves. Bright colored cloves that are marbled purple with a white or yellow background. Flavor is a mild spicy.


      How to Plant Garlic

      Garlic can be planted in the spring as soon as the ground can be worked, but fall planting is recommended. Bulbs will grow bigger and more flavorful when you plant them in the fall.  

      Key Planting Info:

      • Break apart cloves from bulb but keep the papery husk on each individual clove.
      • Ensure soil is well-drained with plenty of organic matter. Plant in Full Sun.
      • Plant 4 inches apart & 2 inches deep, in their upright position (the wide end down and pointed end facing up).
      • Come springtime, shoots will begin to emerge.

      Click here for a more detailed Garlic Grow Guide ->

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        Onion (Transplants) - OG Blanco Duro (Long Day)

        From $199 USD
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        Quick Overview

        Blanco Duro is a medium sized onion with pungent firm flesh. Good storage onion and tolerant to pink root disease.

        How to Plant Bulb Onions

        Onion bulbs are quite hardy and can withstand 20° F frost. They should be set out 4-6 weeks prior to the last expected frost. When your plants arrive they should appear to be quite dry. DO NOT WET THEM NOR STICK THEIR ROOTS IN WATER. Unpack them and store them in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant. They should last about 3 weeks kept this way. Do not worry that your plants seem dry. They will "shoot" new roots and new, green tops as soon as they are planted. Be sure to specify on your order when you want your plants to arrive.

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        Garlic - (Hard Neck) Red Grain

        From $199 USD
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        Quick Overview

        • Organic
        Hard neck
        • Spicy flavor but sweet when cooked


        Red Grain is a purple stipe hardneck type garlic. It produces 9-12 medium size cloves. White with red streaks throughout. Spicy in flavor, but sweet when cooked.

        How to Plant Garlic

        Garlic can be planted in the spring as soon as the ground can be worked, but fall planting is recommended. Bulbs will grow bigger and more flavorful when you plant them in the fall.  

        Key Planting Info:

        • Break apart cloves from bulb but keep the papery husk on each individual clove.
        • Ensure soil is well-drained with plenty of organic matter. Plant in Full Sun.
        • Plant 4 inches apart & 2 inches deep, in their upright position (the wide end down and pointed end facing up).
        • Come springtime, shoots will begin to emerge.

        Click here for a more detailed Garlic Grow Guide ->

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